Get the Skinny: 2019 #AlcoholFreeFor40 Challenge – heads up that it’s around the corner!

We realize we’re right smack in the midst of Carnival Season.  But we wanted to put this on your radar: Starting next week, Ash Wednesday, is the 4th annual #AlcoholFreeFor40 challenge, complete with steps to make it your own personal self-experiment to see just how going booze-free affects your whole-body wellness.

THE CHALLENGE: Give up all alcohol from Ash Wednesday until Easter.  Establish the following pre-Challenge metrics and repeat again at end of Challenge.  Do this on your own or sign up here to do your pre-challenge metrics for $25 at the #AlcoholFreeFor40 kickoff event at Ochsner Fitness Center’s FUEL Café + Market on Thursday, March 7 (more details below).

BENEFITS:  Less inflammation, better sleep, less anxiety, improved mood & energy, potential weight loss

Here’s just a snapshot of the many benefits that this extended detox will have on your mind, body and spirit. How do we know? We have participant comments dating back to 2016.

Within days you’ll notice more energy, improved sleep quality, clearer eyes with less under-eye circles

Within one week you’ll notice less fluid retention and can start to see brighter skin (conditions like rosacea often improve). You’ll also likely notice fewer cravings, mental clarity and an ability to focus.

Within a month you can start to see and feel the changes in weight (particularly if alcohol was contributing a significant bit of excess calories) as well as healthier hair, nails and digestion.

Beyond 40 days: The benefits aren’t limited to just the days of the challenge. Feedback from past participants is that for many, the Alcohol Free for 40 challenge is a reset that stays with them.


  1. Weight + Body Composition

  2. Close-up photo of face; details of eyes and skin in particular

  3. Labs:

  • CBC (Complete Blood Count)

  • Liver panel including enzymes AST & ALT

  • Lipid Panel (includes triglycerides, which can be affected by alcohol),

  • GGT (Gamma glutamyl transferase, a specific liver test that’s most affected by alcohol)

  • Vitamin B12 and Folate Panel

  • hs-CRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; a marker of inflammation)

  • ESR (sedimentation rate; a marker of inflammation)

KICK-OFF EVENT: To make it as easy as possible, have your pre-and post-challenge labs checked for just $25 (a value of more than $200) at the #AlcoholFreeFor40 kickoff party at on Thursday March 7th from 4 to 8 p.m. at Ochsner Fitness Center’s FUEL Café + Market at 1200 S. Clearview Pkwy in Harahan

If you’re planning to have your labs checked, please RSVP at Availability is limited to the first 200. Please note that in order for labs to be provided at such a minimal cost by Ochsner, the lab screening is via blood donation. For those who are cannot donate blood for medical or other reasons, Ochsner’s Corporate Wellness team will be onsite for regular blood draws.

Join #AlcoholFreeFor40 group on Facebook to accept the challenge, follow the journey of others, and share your own experiences, successes, mocktail recipes, and photos.

To catch the full segment on, click here.


Love it, Like It, Hate It: Mocktail Mixers!


Love It, Like It, Hate It: Get the Skinny: Mardi Gras parade route cocktails